Thanks for the update, Emily!! I'm a fairly new follower of Florist, a friend of mine told me about you last year and within hearing 2 songs, I immediately went and bought up all your albums. And shortly after I discovered you, you all played a wonderful show in Philly and I was there!! Your music touches me in ways no other music does, makes me sad in a way but happy, if that makes any sense at all. Anyway, again, thanks for the update and please come back to Philly real soon!!


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Thanks so much tym! We will definitely be back in Philly this year :) Appreciate you listening ~

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I was about to instantly unsubscribe when I saw another musician/artist migrated their email list to substack but this writing is interesting and resonates with me, and I will be keen to see more. thank you!

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i'm truly grateful to be here with you! i appreciate the art you put into this universe <3

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Thank you for this. I really relate to what you said (especially "I am here because I love the internet and I want to use it again for things that excite me, things that inspire me."), like you I grew up seeing the beginnings of the internet, I don't want to leave it, but use it differently.

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Hey, thanks for your little story. Hope you doing good :) it seems to me that you are familar with the energies of different planets. Want to ask you, if there is a book or movie or something else, that got you interested in this subject. I am interested in understanding these kinds of things, but I dont know where to start. Thank you!

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you guys probably get a lot of people saying this but i will add to the mass. your music puts me in the most wonderful space of peace and quiet. i find i can't sit in silence because its too "loud" and distracting, but putting your music on, especially the ambient instrumental ones, I can just exist within the music and not feel any pressure. I love it. and "cool and refreshing" is one of the best songs i have ever heard in my entire life!

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Thanks for opening the doors to this chamber of music and art. It does feel more intimate, like a sort of cozy cottage far from all the noise. I've been listening to your albums on repeat ever since 2019. Those lyrics are real therapy for me! Thank you for the light! Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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You guys were amazing last night in Madrid! Thank you for sharing your music with us :)

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I am a bit late to this but i wanted to say i love what you do and i immensely appreciate you

btw, i sent you an email about a question i had, not sure if you'll see it :)

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You're an incredibly important human and artist to me. Keep doing all you're doing!

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You're def echoing what a lot of us are feeling right now. Here's to working together to make the internet a place we can all feel invited to create and play and collaborate again! Excited to experience your contribution to what I hope becomes a wider revitalization of internet diy culture and community building :)

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Great idea Emily. A brain for mle and Florist to communicate with the artistic Universe. I look forward to listening, looking, and reading everything you have to post. I love all Florist work. Sounds like it might be a space for some modular sounds too - hope so. :•)


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I was shocked to see an email from Emily Sprague suddenly drop in my mailbox, and at the same time, thrilled to see it there. How did this happen? I must have signed up to something late one night, possibly drunk and intoxicated on yet another play of Emily Alone. Wish I could come see you guys in Bristol next week, as that's the nearest our paths will cross for now, but life and that gets in the way. Looking forward to seeing what else drops in my mailbox.

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amazing! thank you for sharing <3 your art is so inspiring, i hope to make something beautiful soon too. I hope you can stop by Texas sometime, you're always welcome here (:

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This is encouraging. I have been delving into Substack because of how every other platform is moving way too fast and is way too divisive. Anyway, I absolutely love the music you guys have put out! It was my most played album of 2022. Don’t stop. Keep creating. Thank you for everything.

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